Profilo di Deathwalker


Qualcosa su di me:

I love everyone. As long as they have a good heart inside them.........I wouldn't mind being inside them too Hehe...., but seriously I do love most anybody and don't care if you are a woman, man and especially if you are Trans. As long as you are a good person inside and out and you don't even come close to being around any kind of hate toward anyone because of gender, color, top or bottom, whatever.. Being tall has helped me to get over my low self esteem. Being 6' 7" really sucks sometimes because you always stand out even when you dont want to and it usually causes drama too. Leave that shit behind and lets fucking enjoy each others company especially if these gifs turns you on as much as it does me. Live life my friends!!! but the most important thing i have to say is.........DON'T GET CAUGHT STEALING SOME PIE!!! BECAUSE YOU WILL GET CAUGHT AND LOOK LIKE A DOUCHE WHILE DOING IT!! I am living proof of that below. LMAO


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